
Caturday Night Fever

Slide out the funk!


arm & hammer / SLIDE CAT LITTER


ABBA, John Travolta, Studio 54, you know what I’m talking about. Disco was such an iconic era and definitely one I wish I had experienced. On the heels of Once Upon a Time in Cat World (check it out here), we were able to create a new cinematic universe for Cat Litter, this time drawing parallels between the litter’s exceptional nonstick properties and the sliding swagger of the disco scene. Combine that with a rock star dancer and the minds behind the best cat head CGI out there (AKA Movie Picture Company) and you get this masterpiece. To be honest, the only negative thing about this project is that it never got made into a feature film.


* Making of video was a courtesy of Movie Picture Company



Creative Direction: Ian Dunn
Art Director: Renata Chiara
Copywriter: Will Garcia
Producer: Barry Wolford and Amanda Gray
Production and CGI: Movie Picture Company (MPC)
Client: Arm & Hammer Cat Litter